Saturday 22 September 2012


 Weight: 8.9kg  Height: 76cm

Happy Birthday my beautiful boy! I'm still not quite sure how we happen to be at "1" but here we are... and you have suddenly turned into the coolest toddler (!!) I know! (admittedly I am a little biased)

Unfortunately your birthday has coincided with a really stubborn and painful tooth coming through on the top...I feel your pain little man! Cutting teeth is no easy feat!

Aside from the teething situation, Atticus continues to be the happiest, busiest and most social little man! At our 1 year checkup the nurse said that we may have a "gifted child" on our hands because his language skills are that of a 2 year old! To put it simply, Atticus is a chatterbox! He repeats everything I say and responds to both russian and english names of object/sounds/things.
These are some of the words he says:

- awo (hello)
- ba ba (bye bye)
- Mummy (means yummy although I think he's started to relate   "mama" with me)
- nada (nadia)
- sasha (loves saying "s" sounds)
- nina (marina)
- ayi (alec)
- boo (book)
- tita (teacher)
- shoes
- nana (banana)
- apple
- popa (bum in russian)
- 'ary (harry)
- baw (ball)
- no no no (for Spenny and point with his finger)
- saaage (massage)
- moo, maaaa (meow), brr beep beep (car), tu tu (train), woof, bzzz (bee), sssss (snake), oo oo (monkey), 

When Asked his name he proudly exclaims "Attiiiii" and when asked how old he is he says "too", no, you're one, I say, "no, too" he persists.

He loves to sing and dance. He plays ball with Harry and threads round puzzle pieces onto a rod. He blows my mind!

Atti's favourite past time by far remain books. He goes through his books throughout the day, turning the pages and babbling away as though he's reading them out loud. When we read books together, he listens attentively and points to the pictures on the page making the relevant sounds for animals etc.

Atti continues to be an expert crawler but has recently moved up to walking holding onto one hand only. His balance is really improving and I think he's become a bit more interested in the whole "walking thing". Not long now I think.

Tomorrow we are having a big party for you, my boy, and we've been planning for weeks. I've sewed together some decorative flags and baked you a big cake and your daddy has marinated lots and lots of meat. All of your grandparents are busy with preparations and your friends are looking forward to seeing you! It's going to be a wonderful day!

Tuesday 18 September 2012

at the airport

I love the anticipation at the arrivals gate at the airport... people waiting for loved ones. 

I had been telling Atticus all morning that today we would be picking up his grandparents...he smiled coyly at the sound of their names. And when they finally arrived, he went quiet and shy.

first candle

 While my regular "12 month in the chair" post is in production, I thought I would share these images of Atticus' first birthday candle and giant birthday muffin.

He was absolutely mesmerised by the flame of the candle and was (surprisingly) very reluctant to stick his little finger in it! He tested the waters with his toothbrush first...from which he had been inseperable all evening!

The toothbrush came in handy when it was time to eat (and destroy) the muffin! 

Happy Birthday sweet sweet Atticus! This year with you has be a treat! 

party hat arrived just in time from Dainty Couture

Thursday 6 September 2012

august...on instagram

 post feed bliss...
 birthday bites...

 running errands with bagels...

 yoga kisses...
 shopping trolley adventures...
 sleeping battles...conquered and lost
 mirror obsession...
 bathtime delight...
 facing forward in the car...
 sunny days are coming...
 art fair snoozing...
 red pants are for flying...
 hanging with the boys...
 monkey faces....

 first nudie play of the season...hurry up summer, naked babies are the best!