Thursday 29 August 2013

32 | 52

"A portrait of Atticus, once a week, every week, in 2013." 

Sorry for the long hiatus friends, but we're back from our magical holiday in beautiful Bali and I'm finally starting to sort through my photos in an effort to catch up with the 52 project. 

More Bali photos to come but this one is a firm favourite so far...daytime napping with Dada. No more words required.

Monday 5 August 2013

31 | 52

"A portrait of Atticus, once a week, every week, in 2013." 

By the end of every single day for the last couple of weeks, our couch looks like a battle zone. The cushions and blankets are thrown all over the floor while Atticus the monkey, spends his evenings tumbling all over the place, jumping, climbing and rolling all over his soft terrain. And every evening as Filipp comes home from work, he is amazed at the state of shenanigans in our small living room, but quickly adds "I remember doing exactly the same as a kid".