Sunday 27 April 2014

17 | 52

"A portrait of Atticus, once a week, every week, in 2014."

Atticus: looking up at his Dada.

I have tried to be pretty discipled this year and select only one shot per week but this week it was virtually impossible. We drove up to the Dandenongs during Easter weekend for a walk in the forest and to take Fil's new car for a drive. Atticus managed to complete the 2km return walk solo, without having to be carried, which was a majour achievement for us all! We kept the walk relaxed, pointing out mushrooms, watching ants scurry up trees, racing each other in certain places, skipping, singing songs etc... Anything to keep this little toddler busy enough not to resort to winging. These series of shots show Atti's delight in learning how to make a bird/rooster sound by blowing onto a blade of grass, stretched between Dada's hands! And he got it! He figured out how to do it... The excitement on this sound-effect-loving kid's face is just priceless!

Also, here is last year's visit to the Dandenongs.

Friday 25 April 2014

16 | 52

"A portrait of Atticus, once a week, every week, in 2014."

Atticus lately: hanging out of trees, climbing everything in sight, surrounded by dogs.

Thursday 17 April 2014

15 | 52

"A portrait of Atticus, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Atticus: I don't think any mother can resist a good sleeping shot every now and then. That gorgeous pout and angelic look! It's amazing how someone so wild and mischievous in their waking hours can look so peaceful in their sleep. You don't have many car naps these days. There was a time when you would sleep longer in the car than anywhere else, but these days you love your bed so I always do my best to get you home for naptime. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. And on that rainy friday, when I had my book in my bag, the right thing to do was to park by the park and devour some pages while you snored in the back. Perfection.

Friday 11 April 2014

14 | 52

"A portrait of Atticus, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Atticus: Flying a kite. 
I think the only way we survived both being sick and Filipp being overseas, is by staying with my parents for pretty much that whole week. A weekend by the beach at the end of that stint was a welcome break for us all. Thank god for grandparents! I really cannot say that enough

13 | 52

"A portrait of Atticus, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Atticus: Posing in the evening light. Your favourite little thing lately is to run outside out little town house when visitors are leaving and standing at the front door, yelling endless "Bye-s" as our guests walk back out to the street!

12 | 52

"A portrait of Atticus, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Atticus: yep, two minute noodles are still a hit!

I'm playing catchups today! A week of illness combined with a week of solo parenting and general exhaustion has meant that I am now almost 3 weeks behind! The longer I kept putting it off the harder it seems, but I have decided to get my act together, for the sake of the overall project and try to catch up. Here we go....